Monday, November 19, 2007

Futsal - Part 2

This past Saturday was the second time I played futsal, or soccer on a handball-sized court, and like the week before I was so winded after the first two matches I thought I wouldn't make it through the evening. Fortunately with three teams there we were able to rotate and take short breaks -- the games lasting about 7 minutes each.

I realized why the game is so hard: unlike real soccer, where half the game is just standing around waiting for the ball to come your way, in futsal you have to chase after the ball and then be quick enough to get back to your side to play defense when the other team makes a quick break. In this sense it's probably closer to field hockey, or even basketball in terms of demands on stamina. But since it's equally compact, the game goes much faster and more intensely than traditional soccer.

Too bad that this time I didn't score, but I did set up one goal with a fantastic assist -- a pass down the center corridor right to my teammate waiting up at the other end.

Here's a couple of terrible pictures of the futsal courts (outside, on astroturf covered payment). But I hope you can a feel for the atmosphere.

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