Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Friday - Tough Day for the Transport Networks

Last week, it was a pretty dismal week for the public transport networks. I think there were maybe three accidents involving humans during the whole day, on various metro and JR train lines, which means (above all things) that trains get delayed, people get antsy, and tempers flare.

I can't remember a day like this when three times during the day, they've announced unexpected delays because of these accidents.

Some of the stations have been taking precautions to reduce the number of accidents, putting in barriers that open only when the train enters the terminals, much as they do with the Tube up in London. In fact some of the newer terminals on the Nanboku line running north/south have the same kind of space age, plexiglass doors that open up onto the train (they have similar terminals like this up in Kyoto).

In any case, I hope they get more of these barriers up. I know it sounds like we're protecting people from themselves, but in a crazy city like this, sometimes you do need that sort of extra precaution.

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